Friday 15 July 2011

The Crew...

It is 7.15 in the morning. The night was pretty cold. I have got up early while the others are still asleep. Mojmir slumbers away outside in the open by the car.
It is a gorgeous morning and the sun is streaming down. There are quite a few people camping around the lake. As some of you know I have never camped before and this was my first camping experience in Siberia. I have learn a lot from the three guys who are very experienced.
Andrei camps in the winter too and is very seasoned. He goes skiing and stay out at temps of -35 degrees. Brave guy. He has all the kit too even a different tent for the colder climates.

Mojmir is a keen biker and has a few bikes. One of which is his prized BMW 1200 cc plus a couple of others he uses. He goes camping around Europe on his bike.

Piotr is very technical and is very experienced in the outdoors. So we have a good team between the three of them. Piotr is also a good off road driver and we give him the car when the roads are tough. He does well. Although we may get off the car and walk a few yards on difficult terrain to protect the vehicle. The car is fully loaded with our kit, camping kit and ourselves.

Mojmir has joined us and changed things a bit. He loves his ice cream and chocolates and his beer. We have simple rules of no drinking and driving and no swimming after liqour. Also we don't eat in the car.

Since Mojmir came we both spend time in the backseat of the car. He has decided to sit at the back and teach me the Russian alphabet. In the west we speak languages based on the Latin alphabets. But many moons ago St. Cyril and St. Method decided to create another set call Cyrilic after St. Cyril. Talk about self-publicity. This is what the Russian, Bulgarian and some other states use. So for the last few days I have to learn 2 alphabets a day. Some are easy.

A is A
B is V
C is S
P is R
T is T
O is O
H is N
K is K

Plus some odd ones I cannot type like. Triangle shaped character is D.
So I have picked up some of the alphabets. But now Mojmir makes me read little words as I walk down the roads with him. Optician, Kafe etc etc speel out of mouth!! I hope he does not read this page, just in case I have made a mistake!!!
Some of the Russian states like Tatarstan have contemplated of switching to Latin in the past.

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